What we do
We offer professional asset management services for high net worth individuals and institutional investors.
We are licensed by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission) for a Cyprus Investment Firm under license number 345/17.
Qualified and experienced management
Our management team is diverse and well experienced in the financial management industry in Cyprus, continental Europe as well as USA and CIS countries.
Serve investor best interests
Our high professional and ethical standards plus responsible and diligent practices are aimed at preserving investor's best interests and putting our clients first.
Diverse investment strategies
We possess the skills, knowledge and the resources to offer you bespoke investment solutions from fixed income low risk deposits to high yield equity and derivative investments.
Modern portfolio management
We will communicate with you to make sure your investments match your risk profile and your portfolio incorporates all your investment requirements and behavioral aspects.
Portfolio management
We specialize in managing your financial assets according to your investment mandate be it capital preservation or capital growth and we employ modern portfolio management practices not only ensuring optimal asset allocation but also incorporating your behavioral aspects and unique circumstances to provide a transparent and mutually reinforcing client-manager relationship.
Client categorization
Retail client
A Retail Client is an individual investor who will buy and sell securities for their personal account, and not for another company or organization. Also known as an "individual investor" or "small investor". A Retail Client is a client who is neither a Professional Client nor an Eligible Counterparty.
Professional Client
A Professional Client is an entity which is required to be authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets. It includes credit institutions, investment firms, insurance companies, collective investment schemes and pension funds and their management companies, and other institutional investors.
Eligible Counter Party
An Eligible Counter Party is similar to a Professional Client, however additional requirements are: an investment firm, a credit institution, an insurance company, an AIF, AIFM, a UCITS or UCITS management company, a pension fund company, an authorised or regulated financial institution among others.